As good as it may sound, technology has made everything easier. From straight lines to curves and shapes, tech has provided many tools and innovations to bring creativity to reality. One such tool is the Apple Keynote.
However, there have been several concerns about how far creative people can use this tool. How to curve texts in keynote has remained one of such big concerns.
There’s no denying that being one of the most feature-rich Apple devices available in the market in recent times, users expect the Apple Keynote to deliver satisfaction even to the optimal level.
Although it is pretty tricky drawing a curved line using keynote apps in the Apple device, it doesn’t rule out the fact that this is an efficient and seamless Apple device, and there are ways around the subject.
For every user looking forward to discovering if there’s a way to curve text in the keynote and how to go about it, there’s no need to look further. In this comprehensive guide, these concerns are well responded to.
Is there a way to Curve Text in Keynote?
This is perhaps the most popular among the several concerns raised about the Apple keynote. It remains one of the most frequently asked questions about this application. And with only a single click in the Google search bar, users are immediately exposed to the answer. Thus, the answer to this question is not too distant to infer.
Put simply, there’s no way to draw a curve text in the keynote. However, this does not mean that it is entirely impossible to draw a curved line using the keynote application.
The only setback here is that users have to settle for other alternatives. To draw curves or put texts in a circular format using keynote, users need to settle for TypeStyler or ArtText. This is because there’s no such feature that allows users to curve a text built into the keynote.
Nevertheless, for texts that are not too long (for instance, words that are not longer than six to seven letters), there are simple tricks users can adopt.
More often than not, this trick is referred to as the crude way. Although it doesn’t offer users 100 percent chances to put their creativity to the best use, it is suitable for individuals that want to create a masterpiece out of a couple of letters.
Using this method, users select the letters they intend to use and put them where they want. Following that, they apply the little rule, which involves going to metrics in the inspector.
Next, they rotate each text until they get the style or curve they want. Alternatively, users can adopt WordArt to achieve curve texts.
How To Curve Text In A Keynote?
Curving a text in a keynote should no longer be a big deal since there are ways around it. Regardless of the alternative users make up their minds to use, they must follow some processes to achieve the right results.
There are many step-by-step approaches that can make the activity easy and quick. Failure to adhere to these steps might deny users the ease of creating curve texts using keynote.
So, if the deal is to find a way around how to curve text in a keynote, the steps are simple, and the technique is relatable.
The best way to create curve texts in the keynote is by bending or curving such words around a shape. And the best way to achieve this is by using WordArt.
Ensure it has a transform text effect to achieve the desired outcome. It can be a little tricky and difficult trying to make the texts go round a shape. Interestingly, users can insert WordArt as many times as possible to wrap texts around shapes.
It is worth mentioning that users creating a complex combination of texts and shapes or those who want exact control of these features need to use third-party graphics or drawing programs. This will enable them to curve the texts around the shape to their satisfaction. Subsequently, they can copy and paste into their office document.
To curve texts in the keynote using WordArt, below are some steps to follow.
Step 1: Start by clicking insert on the word Mac screen.
Step 2: Go to WordArt and select a preferred style. Users should know that the appearance of this feature may differ from one system to another. Usually, it is located in the Text group. Its appearance mainly depends on two factors: the size of the screen and the type of program used.
Step 3: Having highlighted the WordArt placeholder text, proceed to enter the texts.
Step 4: Following that, users can now choose their WordArt text.
Step 5: Above the format tab, users will see the drawing tools pop up. This shows up from the WordArt Styles Group.
Step 6: Click Text Effects from the drawing tools.
Step 7: Click on Transform and select the suitable style.
With these simple tricks, users can easily find their way around creating curve texts in a keynote. However, suppose a user wants to arc texts completely around a shape. In that case, the steps involved are quite different.
For instance, to wrap texts around a shape with straight edges, users need to insert WordArt for every edge.
If, for example, a user is using a rectangle, it means that WordArt will be inserted on each side of the shape, making a total of four times. To control the angle of the text, so it goes hand in hand with the shape with more precision, users can adopt the rotate tool to achieve this effect.
Along with depth, shadows, reflection, and rotation, Keynote Word provides advanced text effects, including curved ones.
With the curve effect, users can lay letters across a path that bends downward or upward.
They can use it to style a logo or twist alphabets around a picture. Even after applying the curve effect, users can go ahead to customize the shape and sharpness of the curve.
The steps involved in drawing curve texts around a shape on all sides include the following:
Step 1: Go to the Word ribbon and click on insert.
Step 2: Check the text group and click on the text box.
Step 3: Following that, select the draw text box.
Step 4: Draw the text box by clicking and dragging over the page.
Step 5: Select the text after typing it into the text box.
Step 6: Go to the WordArt style group and click the text effects button.
Step 7: Proceed to the Follow path section. Select Transform to curve the text.
Step 8: Easy and relatable, that’s how it goes with WordArt. And although there is no way to curve texts in a keynote, WordArt offers a seamless alternative.
NB: While doing this creative task you may spend a little time thinking about the design in your imagination and your Mac device may remain idle during that time. Hence, if there is a screen timeout on your Mac, you need to change the timeout if you don’t want any interruption during your task.
Wrap Up
Invariably everyone wants to be creative, even with such little things as texts. For instance, users can sharpen their creativity by creating curve texts with the Apple keynote.
However, it cannot be possible without such programs as WordArt, ArtText, or TypeStyler. Hence, users need additional features to address how to curve texts in a keynote.
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