Why Is MacBook So Expensive? 10 Reasons Most People Don’t Know

There is no doubt that MacBooks are good devices that are quite easy to navigate and last a long time. It also cannot be denied that MacBooks are quite costly compared to other laptops on the market.

Have you ever been curious about: Why is the MacBook so expensive? Well, there are several reasons behind the high price tag of MacBooks.

First, MacBooks are designed and produced by Apple, a prominent brand. The innovative design, high-performance hardware, durability, customer support, marketing costs, and high demand make MacBooks more expensive.

For more in-depth information about the reasons for the high price of Apple MacBooks, go through the entire context. Here you will find some unknown reasons why MacBooks are overpriced.

Why Is MacBook So Expensive?

It is a common opinion among people that Apple products like MacBooks are expensive. But there are plenty of reasons behind the high price of MacBooks. Some unknown reasons for the high price of MacBooks have been demonstrated below.

Why Is MacBook So Expensive

Build Quality

Compared to other brands, Apple uses high-quality materials to construct MacBooks. These laptops are designed with an aluminum body that looks great and is sturdy enough to get damaged. Apple designed optimized hardware to assemble all the hardware within the aluminum body. For that, MacBooks don’t only look good but are also durable and high-performing.

High-Performing Hardware

MacBooks are integrated with powerful hardware, making them faster than regular laptops. The recent introduction of the M1 CPU chip is a good example. This chip brought a revolution in the CPU industry, which is integrated with graphics and onboard memory. For that, you will get up to 3.5x faster CPU performance and 6x faster GPU performance compared to intel-based processors.


Apple MacBooks are designed with extremely high security, unlike any other brand’s laptops on the market. The operating system of MacBooks is designed with inner antivirus software, which prevents sharing your data with third parties. MacBooks also have a more secure Safari browser that prevents you from browsing malware-affected websites.


Some people prefer to purchase cheap laptops and have to deal with different issues after a few years. In that case, MacBooks are ideal for use for more than 5 to 7 years. The high durability and optimized hardware let users utilize the MacBook for a long time without experiencing any problems. Although you will have to pay a high initial price, you don’t need to spend money on the laptop for around 5-7 years.

Optimized Operating System And Applications

MacBooks are run through macOS, which is specially designed for them. Apple frequently releases updates to macOS to improve security and introduce new applications. Besides, the dedicated App Store lets you download as many apps as you like on your MacBook. It doesn’t allow users to download any third-party apps that can steal your data or harm your laptop.

Optimized Operating System And Applications

Other Devices Integration

Integration with other Apple devices is another main reason people love MacBooks. It allows users to integrate their other Apple products like the iPad and iPhone. Most features on the iPhone and iPad are available on the MacBook, which allows you to work together. As a result, your work will be completed faster than before.


Apple is one of the leading brand companies in the world. It creates products that are designed to improve the lifestyles of its users. Apple assures customers that they are investing in the best product possible. Owning Apple products like MacBooks is a symbol of status and a luxury lifestyle that will make you feel both comfortable and capable. To gain this status, Apple charges you extra money.


Every company spends a specific amount of money on advertising its products. This spent money usually comes back through increased sales. The same goes for Apple, which spends a large amount of money advertising its MacBooks. You may see various MacBook ads which actually help to persuade people that MacBooks are the best laptop. The ads also raise the overall cost of the MacBook.

Apple Customer Service

Apple provides dedicated customer service for users who use its products, such as MacBooks. You can not only get the service online but also at Apple shops, which are spread across every major city. If you have any hardware or software issues with your MacBook, the Apple experts will assist you to fix them.

Besides, MacBooks come with a four-year warranty, which means you can take Apple customer service’s help for four years for free. It is also a factor in the MacBook being expensive.

High Demand

Due to high performance and durability, Apple MacBooks are very popular among laptop users. Although not so popular in some countries, MacBooks are the best-selling laptops in the Western world.

Despite their high price, most people prefer to buy MacBooks for their extensive durability and performance. As a result, the demand for MacBooks increases, which impacts the price. The more demand there is for MacBooks, the higher the price.

What Is The Difference Between MacBook And Windows Laptop?

MacBook and Windows laptops are two antagonists, and some features and functions make them different. Below we have discussed what things actually differ between MacBook and Windows laptops.

What Is The Difference Between MacBook And Windows Laptop


Last few years, Apple ensured that MacBooks look like a piece of art. Till now, MacBooks haven’t seen any significant changes when it comes to outward appearance. The aesthetic design of MacBooks is separate from Windows laptops. On the other hand, you will find a lot of variety in terms of the design of Windows laptops.


As we already said, MacBooks come with powerful hardware, which makes them too pricey. The hardware in the MacBooks is well optimized to ensure better performance. Additionally, MacBooks are equipped with a powerful battery that offers a longer backup.


Windows laptops are integrated with different types of hardware depending on the models and brands. Because of improper optimization, they can’t provide maximum performance.

Operating System

The operating system is one of the key differences between MacBooks and Windows laptops. A Windows laptop runs on Microsoft Windows OS, whereas MacBooks typically operate on the macOS produced by Apple.

Both are two different operating systems and offer smooth performance. However, Windows offers customization options to its users, while macOS does not come with customization features for security reasons.

Utility Apps

Windows laptops and MacBooks both include different pre-installed software. Some common apps, like Media Editors, Web browsers, Calculator, Calendar, Voice recorders, News, and Weather, are present in both.

Some additional apps are only found either in MacBooks or Windows laptops. For example, MacBooks come with a streaming service, preview utility, and video editor. On the other hand, Windows laptops offer Skype, Translator, Xbox, and Sticky Notes applications.


You should now have a clear idea of Why the MacBook is so expensive, after reading the context. Typically, Apple builds a good reputation and trust by ensuring high-quality products. It offers highly durable and high-performing MacBooks, so users can go with them for a longer time.

MacBooks’ optimized hardware and build construction make them more expensive than regular Windows laptops. Although MacBooks are quite expensive, the investment in these laptops will be worth it for some people, especially those who are looking for a long lasting laptop.

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